Things that Creep Me Out!

Okay, I admit... I'm not a kid any more... I don't even play one on TV, but the things that sent chills up my spine as a kid still do a number on me today. Anybody else have that problem? Anybody else willing to admit it?? I'd tell you admitting to your stupid, embarrassing, illogical fears is the first step to conquering them, but it hasn't done me a bit of good. Maybe this web page will be therapy (if I ever visit it-- would YOU, if you were scared of everything on it, for God's sake? How dumb is THAT? But I digress...)

Come into my inner sanctum, where I'll share my gripes and feelings about scary, scary things. (In other words, keep reading.) Here we go!


Let's start with the "C. Word"...

"C" is for caterpillars and clowns (the scary clowns, not the benign ones) -- I hate 'em both with a passion!




And, hey, who wouldn't be scared of those evil jack-in-the box dudes,marionettes, and ventriloquist dummies??

It may seem strange to have a page dedicated to creepy, scary things but this is a  country that was founded by men and women who were not afraid to confront their fears. This is the American way: stand up and be terrified!


This country has more support groups than Maybelline has lipsticks. To sit around and whine and whimper is to be American! My father fought in the Second World War. My brother was drafted into the Vietnam War. I myself am fighting the "Battle of the Bulge." We are Americans! It is our right, nay, our privilege to be afraid and to wear our fear on our sleeves. As our beloved Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, "We Have Nothing to Fear But Really Scary Clowns Themselves." Or was that PT Barnum? I am not sure... I am afraid of him too ... and centipedes ... and sloths (What?! I am!) ... and dolls whose eyes open and close...

What do YOU find scary? Write and tell me! 

 I don't know if I can help, but you'll satisfy my need to pry, (and take my mind off my own fears), thank you very much!

Even easier-- take my online poll!  


(By the way, anyone remember Topogiggio from the Ed Sullivan Show? Was I scared of that thing? You bet! How about you?)

Actually, a visitor recently divulged a fear of those danged flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz. Well, THAT brought back some bad memories and a couple nightmares, thank you very much! Remember these scenes from everybody's favorite scary movie?

Here, the F.M. is shown picking up Toto. Don't you just want to... I don't know... umm...get someone else to stop him while you cower behind a tree? Scratch that idea-- remember the scary trees in that movie? They were cranky as all get-out if you picked an apple, as I recall. 

Shown below is a scene of Dorothy with another F.M. and the Wicked Witch of the West in her scary castle. Now SHE was one SCARY lady, wasn't she?


Okay, one more picture, of one of the scariest scenes in the movie. One minute Dorothy's gazing through the hourglass at Aunt Em, and the next... oh, I shudder to recall that moment...


I hope you realize that I'm never coming back to this page. I just can't take it! I do hope that YOU, my many visitors, are enjoying the view, however.

Now I've been honest and open, and exposed my inner fears to you, a total stranger (one of millions viewing this site). Don't you think the least you could do is sign my darned guest book?? I knew you'd see it my way. Thanks, and y'all come back now!

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This page was added to my site on April 29, 2000.













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