RustyMag's Top Ten...Things You Don't Want to Hear When You're Standing at the Altar and the Priest Asks, "Do you take this person to be your lawful wedded spouse?"
10. ZZZZZzzzzz------oh, what? 9. Probably... the jury's still out on that one.8. Can I use a lifeline? 7. Of course. You DO still have that $2,000,000 life insurance policy, don't you, Darling? 6. WhatEVERRRRRR! 5. I don't KNOW! Why do you ask me these things? 4. Oh, I don't THINK so! 3. Before I answer that, could I just see what's behind door number three? 2. Oh, dear God, please don't pick me, please don't pick me, please! 1. Yes. Mother and I do. Patty Eggertsson, Copyright 2000
This page created and posted 4/28/2000 |
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