Want the Latest Entertainment Scoops?? You KNOW you do! Here they are, y'all!!
scoops are updated often for all you entertainment news
hounds! Is that cool, or what? Just remember to refresh the page. I'll
periodically add some of my own entertainment scoops, and you can count on two
things: They'll be outrageously untrue and probably stupid (but what fun would
it be if they weren't?), and they WON'T be updated as often as Webfeed's are
supposed to be. Even I
have a life!
Oooh! Ahh! How
about scoops on YOU??
Hey, wondering what's in
this week's People Magazine?
Get the scoop by
clicking on the People.com logo!
Showbiz knows all and tells all!
Or maybe you'd like
to check one of these sites for some dirt?
Click on the picture above to go to
Or try Seeing-stars.com
(More than
you ever wanted or needed to know, but you know you want to see this site, so
get thee to it!)
Just for
Mag's Scoops Coming...When I Get Around to Writing Them!
Real Scoops courtesy of
SiteMeter webfeed wizard.
Madeup scoops by Patty
Eggertsson, copyright 2000.
This page was
added to our site 6/25/2000.
Most recently
Celebrities Who Love This Site Awards We Can't Believe We Won