So, just who is RustyMag?

RustyMag is an often-exhausted mom of 3 (two teens and an eleven year old) who likes to laugh at life. When she isn't attending one of many thousands of sports events her children participate in, she enjoys reading, quilting, and unbeknownst even to her immediate family, she harbors a secret desire to design fancy bathing caps. So far her dream has yet to be realized, but it is only a matter of time before you'll see her designs on the U.S. Olympic Synchronized Swimming team as they frolic in perfect time to The Nutcracker  [Web master Deb's note: How do you spell that T. guy's name, anyway-- the one who wrote The Nutcracker? Spell check is not giving me a smidgen of help here. Hey, how do you spell smidgen? Somebody, email me immediately! I don't want to look like an idiot in front of this site's millions of viewers!]

 As mentioned, so far RustyMag's dream has yet to be realized, but it is only a matter of time before you'll see her designs on the U.S. Olympic Synchronized Swimming team as they frolic in perfect time to The Nutcracker, or perhaps even to Hanson's mmmmbop.

[Note from Patty -- AKA RustyMag: If anyone out there has any suggestions  on how to fit a small canister of oxygen under a latex cap, I am sure I can camouflage it with a bush or a scaled down model of the Statue of Liberty. Let me know, and I'll cut you in on the profits. I just hope no one steals my idea first.]

Thoroughly confused yet, folks? Just checking!

Patty's writing currently appears on the Reale, et al Family Web Site, St. Monica School Web Site (Indianapolis, IN), The Netwits site, HaLife, Themestream,,, and ParentingToday' as well. Check them out for a smile! And spread the word about her writing-- don't be selfish! 

RustyMag is a nickname her husband gave Patty, and it's been perfect as an "email handle", so it's stuck. You can write to Patty and let her know which of her "musings" you enjoyed, at RUSTYMAG@AOL.COM


Another way to let her know what you think of her writing, and this site and its links: Sign her guest book! Hey! Be kind! Thanks!

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You'll learn more about Patty and her "take" on life, by reading the pieces that she's written, found on the "My Musings" page. Enjoy!

Oh, yeah... Click here for a picture of Patty!

Y'all come back now, hear?

Important note! The fun animations on this page and many others on this site are from Jo's Animation Gallery!














Who the heck is RustyMag?

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